Thursday, July 10, 2014

A lot of Interstate Time

July 9th. On the road after a relatively earlier bedtime, later wake up and relaxed morning. We just crossed into central time which may help. Not many pictures, lots of road time from here on out. Ruby is continually singing and coloring in the back seat, Reese is looking out the window. It is hazy overcast, and the AC is still working!! I had a mini-moment this morning wondering if it would just quit again. Life is good. We stopped in Sioux Falls for some excellent Arabic food at Sanaa. Found through Yelp, it gave us an excuse to explore the downtown and the falls themselves before hitting the interstate again. If you are ever in the area I recommend it. Another first (the first being Arabic food), was a bit of profiling on the interstate. Here is Rich's account of it: We got profiled by the South Dakota state police today. Rolling east on 90 about 100 miles west of Sioux Falls, 2 troopers in the median, west facing trooper spots the vanagon and shouts to his friend, "I'm off!" I saw him shift into drive and come out onto the highway with visions of methamphetamine dancing in his head. He closed quickly as I watched in the rearview. His shoulders sagged when, instead of kilos of cocaine, he spotted Ruby's pink and white hello-kitty bike. In under a minute he was westbound again to join his interdiction confederate.
Reese and Ruby are lifting a car with a giant lever outside of the Kirby Science Discovery Center. Leaving South Dakota, land of hand dryers instead of paper towels. I think I preferred the dryers despite the noise. We come into Minnesota, a big wind farm just over the border. There are more wind farms in Minnesota than Idaho and it is evident by the number we have seen in the first 100 miles. Headed for---you guessed it---a KOA. I spent a lot of time on my phone trying to find a state park with swimming within striking distance of the interstate to no avail. Oh well, at least the kids will be happy. Bikes and pools, ice cream, what else could a kid want???


  1. Yay! What an adventure. Sooo glad you are blogging it. Making me excited for our x-country journey. Enjoy the KOA :-)

  2. KOA's are da.bomb. But only if you're traveling with kids. heh. Dang! Profiled at this point in our lives? I think that means you're doing it right.
