Wednesday, July 2, 2014

And We're Off! Like a herd of Turtles

11:53 am. Here we go, pulling out of town on the way to Henry's Lake Horn honking despite Rich's dogged efforts to repair the bleating beast. It doesn't sound off often, just enough to remind us it has a will of it's own. Heading down Broadway toward the interstate we make a terrible discovery. One which I refuse to believe. The air conditioning is not functioning. 2:32 pm. Not gone yet!!! Back to the house to get Rich's billfold. After doing some in depth analysis of the air conditioning system it has been determined dead. No parts to be had in town. So off we go with that which I had dreaded the most. Traveling long distances without AC. We are planning on having a new compressor ordered somewhere, at some point and fixing the beast. The kids are rolling with the punches making it a bit easier. Reese says 'not fun'. Wish us luck! So far we haven't been getting enough of it! 3:01pm. We did it! We are leaving town! Did I mention the AC doesn't work? I have vacillated between raging grumpy pants mom to apologetic mom, to reading mom, to 'Why did you just do that ?????' mom. The van isn't the nice, neatly packed home I envisioned. But hey! Henry's Lake! Here we come!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! Guess it's good your route is in the northern part of the country! Hope you get it fixed soon!!
