Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Killer Caterpillars in Glacier

We hit Glacier around 2pm after a swim and set up camp. For some reason Rich and I are both wound a bit tight today (the van works great now, with AC). In my mind it the fact Reese has discovered (I have noticed) volume with his voice but who knows. Ruby played with a caterpillar in camp, as if it were her new friend. The kids are the first of us to seek out others at this point, although it could change. 

We hiked near Lake McDonald from Fish Creek campground up to Rocky Point. The tent caterpillars are in full force, all over every leaf, crossing trails, foliage I constant motion. It took much longer than expected to ready for a 2 mile hike, what with putting on shoes and socks, sunscreen, camelbacks, and whatever else distracted those under 10 years old.  But we set out to explore the shore of Lake McDonald, the Roger fire of 2003 and, it seemed the caterpillars. Ruby picked one up early in the hike, as she had a positive experience earlier in camp. Within a minute she was screaming that it had peed on her, hysterical screaming that was comical at first until she didn't stop. Turns out it burned when it peed, causing her to fear all caterpillars everywhere. Which were everywhere. Which made it difficult to hike when she spied one on the path, as she would stop in her tracks and start screaming. We made our way around the loop, Reese dragging behind on the uphill. He was a bit behind when he started screaming, and running toward us (Ruby was blessedly quiet at this point) he tripped and laid in the trail crying. This is early evening, mind you, and all Rich and I want to do at this point is get back to camp. I walked back and told him to get up, and that the caterpillars are going to get him if he lays in the dirt. He cried that a caterpillar got in his hat (?) somehow and when he tried to remove it, it peed on him and it burned his hand. Attack of the killer caterpillars I guess. The rest of the hike was still traumatic for Ruby, but Reese recovered.  It didn't stop them from fishing this evening. They caught a tree branch and a stick.  Glacier rocks! With killer caterpillars!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Reese to try lighting caterpillar poop on fire next. It's awesome.
